I love all things roasted and my veggies unpeeled

About Me

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Hi, I’m Katherine Hernandez, spent most of my childhood in the Midwest dodging snow and random rain showers. Now that I’m all grown up, I have lived in several states getting to do some pretty awesome things. Like…sea turtle rescue, feral hog trapping, and blacksmithing in the Appalachian mountains to name a few. If you can’t tell, I like to keep busy. This blog is another chapter in a crazy life that will allow me to be creative in a new and different way. I don’t remember how I came up with the name Rusty Lemon, I think I came up with it in an art class a few years ago. It doesn’t matter, I like the name and I’m sticking to it.

As I start this blog, I am also starting another journey. This fall I start my PhD program in Biology in Boulder, CO! I’m excited to explore the town that is known for its awesome foodie culture and kick ass farmer’s market. Oh, I should mention that before I started this blog, I never measured a single ingredient during cooking or followed a recipe with any precision (I’m easily distracted).

The picture above is of the family dog Dash, I like him.